What To Do If You Didn't Get Your Game + Call for Expansion Hero Playtesters
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Jun 02, 2022 at 09:44:06 PM
All of the main fulfillment is now complete on this project. Phew! Of course, we still have a few folks who have not received their games. Rest assured, we will not stop working until everyone has their stuff.
If you have not received your game (and do not have active tracking for an incoming shipment), please use this form to report the issue. You should use this form even if you previously submitted a ticket to QML through their form, as we are taking over this part of the process now. Make sure you read the instructions thoroughly so we can best handle the problem.
For all other issues, e.g., missing or damaged components, please continue to use the Quartermaster Logistics contact form. If you already filled out the form once, please do not fill it out again as that just creates more work, which slows the process down for everyone. They have informed me that they are still running a couple of weeks behind but are "over the hump" and expect that window to gradually shorten as more requests get processed. When we get through the bulk of the requests, I will post a future update for any folks that are having lingering issues that have not been resolved. As always, we appreciate your patience.
Expansion Hero Playtesting
As you know, we've been working on a new expansion for the game, tentatively titled "Covenant". We have done some playtesting with the brand new mechanics it will add to the game. But the expansion will also include four brand new heroes! We'd like to get some wider playtesting with those heroes in the base game. Fortunately, that means you can use the current app to do so.
If you have your game and would like to playtest the new heroes, please complete this form to sign up. This round of playtesting will last from June 3rd through the 13th.
Base Game and Playmats Available + Fulfillment Update + Trouble Tickets + Card Sleeve Quote
over 2 years ago
– Tue, May 17, 2022 at 11:36:01 PM
If you skipped the last update, we got most of the accessories up on our web store for those who missed out on them in the Kickstarter. The Coffers and the sleeves sold out almost instantly since we didn't have much left. This update is to give a heads up to our backers that, later today, we will be putting up the base game and the playmats to our web store. We have extremely limited stock of the playmats available, and I expect them to sell out very quickly. Same notes as last time apply, but I will also add that we are charging separate shipping for the base game and playmat ($15 and $10 respectively).
As for fulfillment, the only hubs who are not done shipping out are the EU and the UK. The EU is 99% done, and the UK is three-quarters done. Those should both get out in the next few days. This is your regular reminder that it will obviously take some additional time for all the packages to get to their final destinations. If you are in one of the other regions -- US, Canada, Asia, Oceania, or the Rest of the World -- and have not received shipping notification, please triple-check your spam folder. If you're sure you haven't received shipping notification, please use the QML contact form to notify them.
Which brings me to the Trouble Tickets. I know we got off to a rocky start with that. As with other stages of this campaign, the scope is significantly larger than all of us have previously managed. The initial wave put them in a hole to start, and we also had some confusion over how certain issues would be handled. That's been sorted out, but now it's just been catching up since then. The current response time is 2.5 weeks from ticket submission to response, and they are continuing to try and bring that number down. If you submitted a ticket via the contact form, please do not "follow up", as that can clog the system and cause further delays. If it has been at least 3 weeks since you submitted a ticket and have not had any response, please email [email protected] and put "RTDT Trouble Ticket" in the subject line. We will follow up and check on the status of the ticket with QML for you.
One final request: We are getting ready to do a campaign on Gamefound for our Unmatched storage system and accessories. These accessories include card sleeves, which will be similar to the ones in this campaign. I would love a quote or two from our customers commenting on the quality of the sleeves that I can use in that campaign. If you have the RTDT sleeves and have something nice to say, please message me here on KS with a quote.
Expansions and Accessories Available on our Website
over 2 years ago
– Sat, May 07, 2022 at 12:57:16 AM
Some of you only backed for the base game or opted against one of the expansions or accessories and have been asking when we will have extras available. Well, today is that day! You can see the RTDT page on our webstore here: https://restorationgames.com/product-tag/return-to-dark-tower/
A few additional points:
- We are only posting this here so backers have first crack at the items. We'll share the news more broadly shortly. We have decent but not unlimited stock. You don't need to race to the store if you're interested, but I wouldn't delay too long.
- We do not yet have the base game or playmat up on the store. This is due to sorting out shipping issues for those. We should get those up as well shortly.
- We do not have any of the Coffers available. That proved to be a popular add on, so we are basically out of stock on those. They will be available in the upcoming campaign for the reprint and new expansion, scheduled for July.
- Related, we charge flat rate shipping on our webstore regardless of how much you get (for game products, not household goods). So, feel free to check out our other games you might be considering to add on to your order, like the latest Unmatched set.
- We currently only ship to the US and Canada. For RTDT, we expect to have excess stock available for other hubs after fulfillment is completed and will post another update here.
International Fulfillment + Trouble Tickets/Replacement Parts + Expansion Playtesting
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 03:49:51 AM
Hi, everybody! I had a fantastic time in Europe, but it's good to be back.
Speaking of Europe....
International Fulfillment
Fulfillment is now fully underway at all hubs. Let's take a look at specifics.
European Union: Fulfillment should take about 2-3 weeks to complete. Keep you eyes open for shipment notification and double-check your spam folder if you haven't received one yet. Please also keep in mind that, if you ordered the playmat, it will ship separately.
United Kingdom: Fulfillment should take the next 2 weeks to complete. Keep you eyes open for shipment notification and double-check your spam folder if you haven't received one yet. Please also keep in mind that, if you ordered the playmat, it will ship separately.
Asia: Fulfillment continues and will take through the end of May to complete. For specific estimated ship dates, please refer back to this update.
Australia/New Zealand: Fulfillment is complete! Keep in mind that this means all the shipments have left the warehouse. It's possible some are still in transit.
Trouble Tickets / Replacement Parts
With new folks getting their games, there are going to be issues. If you have trouble with your shipment or a missing or damaged part (other than the Tower or app), please contact QML regardless of which hub your pledge shipped from. To contact QML, complete the QML contact form.
Some important information to keep in mind about your submission. Yes, because this is a massive project, there are a number of tickets they are dealing with. Right now, it can take them up to two weeks to respond to the submission. Please do not submit duplicate tickets and do not report the same issue through multiple channels, such as our help email address. This clogs the system and makes it take longer for everyone. I understand this just compounds the frustration from having to wait for your game and then not being able to play, but please be patient.
If you are having a technical problem with the Tower or app, please refer to https://restorationgames.com/return-to-dark-tower/support/. That page offers guidance on troubleshooting you can try. And, if that does not work, there is a separate form linked on that page to report the trouble. This form is directly handled by our own Brian Neff. Fortunately, we are not seeing a bunch of issues, so he should be able to get back to you within three business days of submission. We'll try to get to the bottom of the issue, and if we can't resolve it, we'll work on getting you a replacement Tower as necessary. I should mention that our replacement Tower supply is still a week or two away from hitting the warehouse. (One last issue with international logistics unfortunately.) But we are also using Towers from damaged boxes to fulfill in the interim.
Expansion Playtesting
We are ready to expand playtesting of the new expansion. To that end, we are looking for folks who are interested in playtesting. IMPORTANT: To participate in this playtest you need to have an Android device and the Alliances expansion. (The playtest will use the power skulls as proxies for a new type of skull.) If you meet that criteria and will be able to playtest a couple of times over the next few weeks, please complete this form: https://forms.gle/cfD2j2hfkFRDwtnh8
The Font Is Here!
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 03:39:12 PM
OK, one last update before I head out the door. Jason finished the font! I know this took a little while, but (a) he's been super busy working on other projects, and (b) he's a perfectionist. As to that last point, I know you'll find it worth the wait. It even has an extended character set. Just in time for all those spring wedding invitations. So, without further ado, you can download the font here: